normal forms_使用Google Forms轻松创建基于Web的调查
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There are many different websites for creating web-based surveys, but all you need is a Google account and Google Docs. Easily create a survey with Google Forms, sending the results directly to Google Sheets.

有许多不同的网站可用于创建基于网络的调查,但是您只需要一个Google帐户和Google文档即可。 使用Google表单轻松创建调查,然后将结果直接发送到Google表格。

Unlike various online survey services, Google doesn’t put a limit on the amount of responses you can receive. They aren’t trying to upsell you to a fancy paid survey service.

与各种在线调查服务不同,Google对收到的回复数量没有限制。 他们并没有试图将您出售给花哨的付费调查服务。

创建调查 (Create a Survey)

To get started, sign into your , click New, point to More, and select Google Forms. You can also start from , clicking the Create a free form link.

首先,请登录您的 ,单击“新建”,指向“更多”,然后选择“ Google表单”。 您也可以从开始,点击创建免费表单链接。

The actual process of building a survey — or form — is pretty simple. If you’ve ever used before, you should feel right at home. By default, Google Forms creates a simple form with a single question, and you can enter a title for the form, a question, and answers.

建立调查或表格的实际过程非常简单。 如果您曾经使用过 ,那么您应该有宾至如归的感觉。 默认情况下,Google表单会创建一个带有单个问题的简单表单,您可以输入表单的标题,问题和答案。

You can continue adding as many questions as you want with the Add item button. You can have the user select one item from a list, check as many items off as they want, or type a response into a small text box type a paragraph into a larger text box.

您可以使用“添加项目”按钮继续添加任意数量的问题。 您可以让用户从列表中选择一项,选择所需数量,或者在小文本框中键入响应,在大文本框中键入段落。

The Add Item button also allows you to add additional formatting elements, so you can divide your survey into sections, split it into multiple pages, or add images and videos.


Despite its simple look, you can do a lot with this tool. For example, you can send survey-takers to different pages of questions depending on how they answer a question. You can randomize the order of the questions. Google Apps users can automatically collect the email address of respondents on their domain. You can customize your confirmation page and choose whether to show people who have answered the quiz a summary of the answers others provided.

尽管外观简单,但您可以使用此工具做很多事情。 例如,您可以根据受访者回答问题的方式将他们带到不同的问题页面。 您可以随机排列问题的顺序。 Google Apps用户可以自动收集其域中受访者的电子邮件地址。 您可以自定义您的确认页面,并选择是否向已回答测验的人显示其他提供的答案的摘要。

And, as with other Google Docs files, you can invite people to work on the survey with you and .


预览调查 (Preview Your Survey)

To preview your survey, click the “View live form” button at the top of the document. The form is hosted on Google’s website, just like shared Googel Docs files, but it’s interactive. You can’t hide the prominent “Never submit passwords through Google Forms” warning, which exists to ensure can’t make convincing fake login dialogs and trick people into submitting their Google password.

要预览您的调查,请点击文档顶部的“查看实时表单”按钮。 表单与共享的Googel Docs文件一样,都托管在Google的网站上,但它是交互式的。 您不能隐藏突出的“从不通过Google表单提交密码”警告,该警告的存在是为了确保网络无法说服伪造的登录对话框并诱骗人们提交其Google密码。

If you think the default plain-white survey theme looks a bit bland and boring, you can click the Change theme button and choose a theme. Click the View live form button again after to preview how it looks.

如果您认为默认的纯白色调查主题看起来有些乏味且无聊,则可以单击“更改主题”按钮并选择一个主题。 之后,再次单击“查看实时表单”按钮以预览其外观。

分享您的调查 (Share Your Survey)

Now you have a survey, but you need to provide a link to other people so they can actually fill it out. Just click the Send Form button at the top-right corner of the page and you’ll get an URL. This URL is a public address. Anyone who visits it can fill out your form. You can email this link to various people, share it on social media, send it via SMS or instant message, post it on a website, or do whatever else you want with it.

现在您有了调查,但是您需要提供指向其他人的链接,以便他们可以实际填写。 只需单击页面右上角的“发送表单”按钮,您将获得一个URL。 该URL是公共地址。 访问它的任何人都可以填写您的表格。 您可以将此链接通过电子邮件发送给各个人,在社交媒体上共享,通过SMS或即时消息发送,在网站上发布,或使用其进行任何其他操作。

查看回应 (View the Responses)

If you just need to see a quick summary of your overall responses, you can click View > Summary of Responses while editing the form to see a simple summary of your responses — pie charts, bar graphs, lists, and whatever else is appropriate. This should be pretty good for most people creating a simple survey.

如果仅需要查看总体响应的快速摘要,则可以在编辑表单时单击查看>响应摘要,以查看响应的简单摘要-饼图,条形图,列表以及其他合适的内容。 对于大多数创建简单调查的人来说,这应该是相当不错的。

You can also output your responses to a spreadsheet, which allows you to do much more with the data. While editing the form, click Responses > Choose response destination. You’ll be able to create a new spreadsheet or a new sheet in an existing spreadsheet file. When someone submits new responses through your form, the data will be entered directly into the spreadsheet. When you link a form to a spreadsheet, all the previously submitted responses will be sent straight to that spreadsheet, so you don’t have to worry about losing data.

您还可以将响应输出到电子表格,这使您可以对数据做更多的事情。 编辑表单时,单击响应>选择响应目标。 您将能够在现有电子表格文件中创建新的电子表格或新的表格。 当有人通过您的表单提交新回复时,数据将直接输入到电子表格中。 当您将表单链接到电子表格时,所有先前提交的回复将直接发送到该电子表格,因此您不必担心丢失数据。

The spreadsheet can function as a simple list of the responses you receive. You can also use all the typical spreadsheet-manipulation and data-analysis tools to work with the data.

电子表格可以用作您收到的响应的简单列表。 您还可以使用所有典型的电子表格处理和数据分析工具来处理数据。

That’s about it. Google Forms isn’t the only tool for creating web-based surveys, and you’ll probably find ones with fancier features and interfaces out there. But Google Forms is simple and easy to use, with no limits on the number of questions you can enter or responses you can receive. And it gets all that juicy data right into a Google Docs spreadsheet so you can start analyzing it immediately.

就是这样 Google表单并不是创建基于网络的调查的唯一工具,您可能会发现其中具有更高级的功能和界面的工具。 但是Google表单既简单又易于使用,对您可以输入的问题或可以收到的答复数量没有限制。 它将所有多汁的数据直接存储到Google Docs电子表格中,因此您可以立即开始对其进行分析。


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